
ADL Health

Health Care & Fitness Advice

Recovering from Meth: A Safe Detox Guide

Crystal meth or methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that keeps people awake and active. It is popularly abused by people trying to stay awake. Seasons Bali addiction center offers a comprehensive treatment plan for meth detox.

Seasons Bali combines positive reinforcement and behavioural treatment techniques to stimulate addiction. Continuous decades of research have shown this is the most effective way to treat stimulant addiction.


7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Echinacea

Traditionally used to help prevent colds, reduce the duration of colds & support your immunity, Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs used all year round.

7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Echinacea

1. Echinacea is native to America & Canada & has been used by the American Indians for over 400 years.

2. Echinacea is also known as the Coneflower or Black-eyed Susan.

3. There are 9 species of Echinacea & the flowers, leaves, stems & roots are used to make herbal tinctures & remedies. Research indicates that the parts of the plant that grows above ground tends to be the most effective in supporting immunity.


7 Ways You Can Help A Family Member Through Drug Rehab

When someone with a drug addiction goes through drug rehabilitation, they will depend on the help, support, and care provided by those working for or in the drug rehab facility. This will include drug rehab specialists, drug counsellors, and other health support staff.

However, another group of people will play a significant role in the person’s journey towards ending their drug addiction: their family. Whether that consists of just a single person or several family members, if you speak to anyone who has beaten drug addiction, they will confirm they could not have succeeded without the love and support of their family.

Now, we hope anyone reading this has no one in their family addicted to drugs. However, if that were the current or future reality, would you know how to help that family member rid themselves of drug addiction? If yes, we salute you, but if not, we would first say that you are likely to be in the majority.

In truth, very few people would know what to do if they discovered a family member was addicted to drugs simply because it is a subject that is rarely discussed. What you must not do is feel guilty at not knowing the information we referred to; plus, much of what you need to learn to support your loved one is available to learn. To prove that point, we have seven ways in which you can help and support a family member who is trying to beat their drug addiction via drug rehab.


Your Laser Eye Surgery Recovery Timeline

One of the most common questions that patients ask their consultant concerning laser eye surgery is what happens during the recovery process. In truth, this will differ slightly between each patient depending on their age, the condition of their eyes, and their overall health. However, experience and feedback from those who have had laser eye surgery provide a general timeline that a laser eye surgery patient can expect to follow as they recover.

Immediately After Opening Eyes

Many laser eye surgery patients are amazed that the second they open their eyes they can see an immediate improvement in their vision. Some even become emotional at seeing clearly without glasses or contact lenses for the first time in years. That being said, there may be some minor fogginess which is why you should never drive yourself following laser eye surgery. In most cases, vision becomes completely clear within a few hours.


How Long Should You Expect Your Dental Implants To Last?

How Long Should You Expect Your Dental Implants To Last?

While the primary benefit of dental implants is most commonly thought of as them being able to replace a missing tooth or multiple teeth, there are other benefits to having dental implants fitted. These include that they are comfortable, they can promote a healthy jawbone, and they can also reverse issues that may have occurred with regards to facial appearance and speech.

Another benefit we have not yet mentioned is the fact that dental implants are extremely durable, and as such a patient who has dental implants fitted today, can expect them to last them for many years. However, although the title of this article poses the question, ‘How Long Should You Expect Your Dental Implants To Last?’ it is almost impossible to answer it with any certainty or accuracy.

We are not trying to cop out by saying that, but rather, we are merely pointing out that the length of time dental implant will last for anyone individual is something which will have a multiplicity of influences and an almost infinite number of possibilities. This can range from less than a year if all of the worst scenarios occur, to over 20 years, if everything positive falls into place.

In order to help you to understand why we place such a broad timescale upon the question of dental implant longevity, here are just some of the influences and circumstances that might come into play.


Top 4 Uses of Castile Soap

Top 4 Uses of Castile Soap

Castile soap has been around since the 1600’s & has been a household staple in Europe since that time. The soap is named after the Spanish region of Castile where olive oil was abundant & the term was created in English speaking countries to describe an olive oil based soap. Castile soap is a natural plant based biodegradable soap which can contain a blend of olive, coconut, hemp or jojoba oils plus water & essential oils for fragrance. Because of its gentle nature castile soap is great for those with sensitive skin & is very versatile as it contains no harsh chemicals found in cheap supermarket soap brands such as formaldehyde, parabens & PEGs, or any animal products such as tallow (rendered beef fat) or lard (rendered port fat).

Top 4 Uses of Castile Soap

1. Full Body Wash: Castile can be used from head to toe – from shampooing hair, facial cleanser or hand & body wash. Castile can also be used for shaving – use about 10 drops & lather in wet hands & apply to face, underarms or legs. And if you’re not afraid of having your mouth washed out in soap (!) add 1 drop of castile soap to a teaspoon of coconut oil & brush your teeth (yes really).


How To Maximise Your Physiotherapy Business's Results From Google Ads

How To Maximise Your Physiotherapy Business’s Results From Google Ads

Unless your physiotherapy website has traffic landing on it every day, no matter how well designed it is, there will be  no positive impact on your business. As the digital marketing experts at www.slinkydigital.com.au explain, there is a way to generate traffic that is almost instantaneous in terms of results and that is online paid advertising and in particular Google Ads.

Apart from the instant traffic, Google Ads has many other benefits which include the volume of traffic it can generate, it attracts traffic from multiple online sources, and you are able to set up campaigns that fit perfectly within the budget you have available for digital marketing.

However, as with any kind of digital marketing, there are right ways and wrong ways in which you can set up and run a Google Ads campaign. The downside of doing it the wrong way is that your return on your investment is minimised, but if you do it the right way, the results, and that ROI, can be maximised.

To help you understand how a Google Ads campaign can be optimised, here are 5 simple tips which you can apply to a Google Ads campaign that improves the results and the returns.

#1 Research Your Competition

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but instead of imitating and flattering your competition, you should seek to beat them. By that, we mean researching what sorts of ads your local competition is running and then creating ads that utilise the best elements of those ads. Obviously do not copy them exactly but seek to emulate them and improve upon them.


Yellow Teeth

These Foods Could Be Causing Yellow Teeth

Not everyone is blessed with gleaming, pearly whites. Ask your dentist, who will tell you that your genetics and enamel type can dictate how white or yellow your teeth are. The thickness and transparency of your enamel, which is mainly hereditary, plays a crucial role in how your teeth appear to others.

However, according to renowned dentists Dental O So Gentle, the food that enhances the energy you eat can also contribute to yellow teeth. Are some foods worse than others? As it turns out, yes. The following food types may contribute to teeth staining, and while you don’t need to eliminate them completely, being aware of their effects can help you maintain a brighter smile.


Berries are a natural source of antioxidants. They are also delicious, nutritious, and versatile. But they are also the cause of yellowing teeth. The same antioxidants that have health benefits can also cause staining on your teeth. This includes all types of berries – blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The darker the berry, the more likely it is to leave its mark on your enamel.


Curry is a delicious and versatile meal option. However, given the intense flavours and colours from the use of spices like turmeric, cumin, and paprika, it can lead to teeth yellowing. The bright yellow pigments in turmeric are particularly notorious for staining. Consider rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth after eating curry for lunch or dinner. If brushing isn’t possible, drinking water or eating crunchy vegetables alongside your curry can help minimize staining.


Avoid Fake Botox Fillers

Why Avoid Fake Botox Fillers 

In recent years, botox and dermal fillers have become preferred by many people for fine lines, sagging skin, wrinkles, and volume loss. They are not only safe, but they remove the need for costly surgical procedures that can come with significant recovery time.

Still, with the popularity of Botox rising comes the increase of black-market fillers and alternatives to Botox. Read on to learn why it’s crucial to avoid these, and how you can avoid them.

They Don’t Offer the Same Results

Botox has been proven as an effective method for wrinkles, sagging skin, and even medical conditions like migraines and urinary incontinence. Patients can see results within as little as a week, if not sooner.

However, you can’t say the same about imitation and counterfeit versions. If you do see any results at all, they certainly won’t be on par with genuine dermal fillers and neuromodulators.


Racial Discrimination

Dealing With the Mental Health Effects of Racial Discrimination

Unfortunately, racial discrimination is a major issue throughout Australia and the rest of the world. Although many people don’t realise it, racism is still a very major problem in workplaces and social settings across our country, and it can have serious and far-reaching consequences.

One of the major consequences of racial discrimination in the workplace is deteriorated mental health. Illnesses such as anxiety and depression are common, and many sufferers also experience lower self-confidence and belief in themselves.

Because of this, we’ve put together the following list of ways to improve your mental health. Maintain a positive state of mind and don’t let racial discrimination by taking advantage of the following:

*Remember, racial discrimination is illegal and should be reported to the relevant authorities and seek legal advice if necessary. Never ignore it, especially if it’s having a negative impact on your life.

Consider Meditation

Meditation is a well-known strategy for relieving stress and anxiety. When completed properly, meditating can help you forget about all the nasty things going on in your life, allowing you to focus instead on your long-term goals and aims.

Use Relaxation Techniques

Many psychologists recommend some sort of relaxation techniques for those suffering from low self-esteem and damaged confidence. Things like deep breathing, meditating, and even just sitting and concentrating on something for a while can help you relax, relieving the symptoms of numerous mental health problems.

Speak With a Mental Health Professional

It’s a good idea to chat with a mental health professional if things like racial discrimination are getting you down. Don’t just sit back and accept things blindly. Instead, take the plunge and accept help from someone who knows what they’re dealing with.


Thumb Sucking

The Negative Impact of Thumb Sucking on Speech

Thumb sucking and the use of a dummy/pacifier doesn’t mean your child is destined for kids’ Speech Pathology Perth. In most cases, it’s a short-term practice that young children rely on for self-calming and will grow out of by the time they are three or four years old.

However, children that don’t grow out of thumb sucking are shown to be more at risk of speech problems, according to a 2009 study by US and Chile researchers.

Thumb sucking can seem harmless enough, but long-term, it may result in a myofunctional condition. This condition is when the muscles at the front of the mouth, particularly around the lips, are used, but others, such as the masseter muscles, are not.

This condition, as well as a forward carriage of the tongue, can lead to a detrimental impact on teeth alignment, occlusion, and oral muscle development, not to mention persistent tongue thrust.

What is Tongue Thrust?

Tongue thrust is a swallowing pattern that occurs during early childhood. A mature swallowing pattern gradually replaces that tongue thrust around the age of nine. However, children who suck their thumb are at risk of this swallowing pattern continuing, which can lead to distortion in speech, particularly with tongue tip sounds.


Laser Eye Surgery

What Are My Laser Eye Surgery Options?

In general, laser eye surgery from eye specialists corrects poor vision and eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses. In most cases, laser surgery is simple, relatively noninvasive, and has a short recovery time.

In fact, in many cases you will notice an improvement in your vision immediately after the procedure.

However, there are three different types of laser eye surgery, each of which is suited to different people in different situations. You should always speak with your local specialist to determine the best choice for your needs.

But, we’ve outlined them below to give you an idea of what each procedure involves and why it is done.

F-LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

LASIK (laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis) is one of the most common types of laser eye surgery in the world. It has been performed for almost 30 years, and is generally used to correct short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism.

In general, LASIK surgery involves using a special laser to create a small flap on the cornea of your eye. This exposes the tissue underneath, which can then be treated with a different type of laser. Basically, the treatment will reshape your cornea, correcting your vision and allowing you to perform simple everyday activities within hours following the procedure.


Lower Back Pain

Exercises That Could Cause Lower Back Pain

Anywhere between 70 and 90 percent of Australians will suffer from lower back pain at least some part of their life. Around four million Australians, or 16 percent of the population, have back problems in general.

When your back causes grief, you can often feel like fitness and exercise is out of the question. How are you supposed to move around when you’re in so much pain? The truth is, some exercises are better than others for alleviating or not agitating injuries and painful areas. Some, you should avoid altogether. Here are a few activities that could cause lower back pain.

The Superman Exercise

A popular stretching and strengthening exercise is the superman position, which involves lying on your stomach and reaching your hands and feet upward. While you might think this position is strengthening your body, it’s actually hyperextending your spine. You may not see any repercussions from this position, but it’s not worth risking if you already have problems with back pain.

Incorrect Plank

Most people know how beneficial the planking position is for them. It strengthens your core and can help with pain in your back from the resultant additional strength. However, if you do it wrong, you are doing more harm than good for your lower back.


Dental Implants

Implants – The Right Dental Implants for You

When you see your dentist about a possible dental implant, you may think there’s only one option. Believe it or not, there is a vast range of dental implants to suit various patients. Just like other dental procedures, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.

However, before you see your dentist, it’s helpful to understand what’s available to you. You can then be more aware of why a dentist made the choice they did, and what comes next. Read on to discover what main dental implants are available and which one might be right for you.

Endosteal Dental Implants
Dentists advise that Endosteal dental implants are the most commonly used by dentists around the globe. They are made from titanium and are shaped like a screw. Your dentist inserts these into the jawbone below the gumline, then attaches a natural-looking tooth on top.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants
You may not see the need for another type of implant, considering endosteal implants work so well. However, they won’t work for everyone. They sit under the gum like an endosteal implant but can be above or on the jawbone.


Exercise Help Addiction

Can Exercise Help Addiction?

Addiction is something that many people struggle to combat on their own. Publicly-funded drug and alcohol treatment services in Australia treated over 130,000 people in 2017-18, and drug rehab facilities welcome many thousands of new people every year. Those figures don’t include the many thousands of people who are addicts and don’t seek help.

Drug rehab professionals use a range of techniques to combat drug use, such as counselling, psychotherapy, medication, and help groups, but what about exercise? Studies are looking promising for physical activity to be beneficial for those on the road to addiction recovery as well.

Exercise will most likely never become the primary treatment method for drug rehabilitation. It can take more than that to put someone on the straight and narrow and keep them on it. As the figures currently stand, there is a 40 to 60 percent chance of relapse for substance use, according to American Addiction Centre studies.

However, if you pair conventional treatment methods, such as psychotherapy and medication with exercise, you may find it can be rewarding and beneficial for addicts. Studies involving cocaine-dependent rats showed that regular swimming reduced self-administration of cocaine.
